Wallpaper apps are tools designed to beautify the screens of computers, phones, tablets and other devices. These apps provide an extensive collection of high-definition wallpaper resources, covering a variety of styles such as natural landscapes, abstract art, anime/cartoons, celebrity idols, cityscapes and more, satisfying users' diverse personalization needs. Users can easily set their favorite wallpapers as desktop backgrounds or lock screen images with simple operations, turning each screen unlock or power-on into a visual delight.
Reev Pro
Personalization / 20.41MB
Horse Wallpapers
Personalization / 5.60MB
HD Live Wallpaper for OPPO
Personalization / 22.50MB
Personalization / 8.90MB
Facemoji Keyboard
Personalization / 31.40MB
Auto Change Wallpaper
Others / 12.00MB
Nebula Icon Pack
Personalization / 86.10MB
Tiger Wallpaper & Keyboard
Personalization / 31.90MB
Galaxy Clock Live Wallpapers
Personalization / 8.40MB
Valentine Day SMS
Lifestyle / 2.80MB